Monday, January 16, 2012

In Service of Our Landmarks: Looking back at MLK Day volunteer initiatives

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr., National Day of Service.  Today is a special opportunity for us to think about how we can lend our energies to the people, places and organizations in our communities who could use a bit of help.  Whatever kind of service project you're interested in, you can likely find something in your neighborhood to match.

LW! is dedicated -- every day -- to helping those in our neighborhood navigate the ins and outs of landmark regulations and designation.  We're always here to answer questions (Is my building a landmark? How can I be involved in the public review process? What are landmark-worthy buildings in my neighborhood?).  And in 2010, for the National Day of Service, we took our daily advocacy efforts to the streets, in service of educating West Siders (and visitors thereof) about the "landmark in waiting" in their midst: West-Park Presbyterian Church.

In the company of dedicated volunteers and passionate interns, we fanned out across the West-Park neighborhood (the intersection of West 86th Street and Amsterdam Avenue) to hand out flyers about this important resource.  West-Park has since been landmarked, and the church is regularly host to exciting and engaging community activities (follow the "West-Park" label here on our blog.  

Then, in 2011, we encouraged friends and neighbors to, on the National Day of Service, "give back" to the locally-owned businesses that give the West Side such unique character.  We want to hear from you: "What service projects did (or do you plan to) participate in this year?"

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